

  1. Overview
  2. Usage
  3. Bypass Levels
  4. Media
  5. History


YesCheat+ is a special feature that makes other features bypass AntiCheat plugins or blocks them if they can’t.


YesCheat+ can be used to prevent admins and server plugins from detecting your cheats. It can also be used to reduce your chances of getting banned.

Bypass Levels




Will not block anything.

Mineplex AntiCheat

Will block all mods that cannot bypass Mineplex AntiCheat (this is what AntiMAC used to do).


Will block all mods that cannot bypass AntiCheat. AntiCheat is a weaker plugin than NoCheat+, so we have some more bypasses for that (including NoFall.

Older NoCheat+

Will block all mods that cannot bypass NoCheat+ at all, but won’t block mods that have been patched in the latest version of NoCheat+ and can bypass older versions (this is what YesCheat+ used to do).

Latest NoCheat+

Will block all mods that cannot bypass the latest version of NoCheat+ (and should also work with all plugins that don’t have their own bypass level).

Ghost Mode

Will block all mods that could look suspicious or could be detected by plugins.

This is not, by any means, a complete list of all the AntiCheat plugins out there, but most of the other plugins are very similar to the ones listed here. Generally, “Latest NoCheat+” should bypass any non-self-learning AntiCheat plugins (e.g. AAC) and “Ghost Mode” should bypass any self-learning AntiCheat plugins (e.g. Watchdog).


The interface of YesCheat+ as of Wurst version 3.3.

The interface of YesCheat+ as of Wurst version 3.3.


Version Description
v1.2 Beta Added YesCheat+
v2.1 YesCheat+ will now block features that cannot bypass instead of disabling them.
v3.3 Added Bypass Levels to YesCheat+ and changed its type from mod to special feature.